Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Hello world (again)...

So quite a bit of time has gone by since my last posting. Shouldn't be a shocker given my own admission to fleeing from this kind of endeavor fairly quick. (Disconnect between my ambitions versus my dedication I suppose.)

I recently re-visited the idea of blogging. Not for the increasingly superficial norms of what this medium has become, but for a much more personal purpose. I realize for me writing has always represented a form of therapy and allows for me to better articulate my thoughts and feelings. Present me with a keyboard and word processing program, prior to that a pen and a pad (which I still use too) and I become the fullest of myself that I know how to be.

All that considered, things in my life have been pretty tumultuous these few months since I last wrote, and I was in need of an outlet. I remembered this lonely blog I had and decided to log in recently out of boredom. A light bulb clicked, because I was able to see just how much I truly did enjoy blabbing my opinions out into the interwebs. I also got a refresher of how good it can be to express myself via writing. So here I am...Back at it.  Perfect timing I suppose with all that has transpired across the globe during the interim of my hiatus. (Not that enough people have read this yet for it to be deemed a hiatus per say but as I digress...)

It is a pleasure to be able to do this so while I still can (re: SOPA & NDAA) I want to share a bit of me with you all. Not a lot of frills, but complete honesty all the same which is most important in my book.Well enough rambling, I have posts to conjure up.

God's speed!

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