Saturday, April 30, 2011

Donald Rump & His Colorful, Parade of Truths and Follies

(And before you ask, no that isn't a typo in the title.) Now as a person under the age of 30 it is expected of me to know relatively close to, if not completely, nothing on the subject of politics, social issues, or anything not attached to a colorful bumper sticker. Or of course the weekly line-up on MTV. However as ultimately over-reaching, and in my case slightly offensive, as these assumptions may be unfortunately I am apart of the over-microwaved generation. I clearly attest to my peers lack of attention span to way too many hours spent on Facebook instead of actually speaking to another person's face or face down in a real book.

This is unfortunate however it is only the generalization of who we are. I, among millions of other young adults, and teens for that matter, are attuned to more than the new items added to McDonald's dollar menu. From a personal stand point I stay connected and abreast of all things politically and socially inclined. Not only domestic issues but abroad as well. I am firm believer that you won't be young forever and that the ignorance you carry today will surely bite you later if you aren't careful.

With this in mind I have been paying close attention to the recent state of affairs in the form of a daily soap opera: American news media. While it is a whole different discussion entirely of the state of the public affairs and how our government currently functions more of political circus theatre rather than an agent to move forward the agendas of the American people; it is of great relevance to pay attention to certain facets of the story. One of the most recent additions to the cast is Donald Trump and his wonderful talking hairpiece.

He has rambled on and on about President Obama's lack of effort in proving he was indeed an American citizen (which thankfully has finally been resolved), but his style of governing, his policies, and nearly anything totally irrelevant and obsurd he can find. I'm sure he's possibly even critiqued his choice of hotel while travelling. Jokes aside, Donald's ranting and raving is an alarming trend that many people seem to like to pay attention to, if not worse even agree with. I definitely do not agree with all of the President's decisions and policies within the first half of his term. However to persist on things as asinine as a wild goose chase for this man's birth certificate is another.

I believe it is imperative that we as active citizen's in our democracy learn how to have a civil discourse of the differences in our ideals without the degrading of others in the process. It is a very dangerous and tight road Trump and his counterparts have been treading here recently and none of it proves well to the future of this nation. Sowing seeds of lies and dissention does nothing to add to our lives but more chaos and less systematic and sustainable positive change in our economy, media, or the political process as a whole.

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