Saturday, April 30, 2011

For Starters...

Every blog needs a first post and this one is no exception. I have found that in my previous experience with blogs, I've helped to run a couple in the past, that there is no lack of subjects for people to become "experts" on. There also is absolutely no skill set needed at all as a writer, or even as a avid student of any modern language. Most people as I've encountered merely type, to no end, and some times with no reasonable point. Be that as it may there are quite a few great blogs that I have come across and it has even inspired me to create one or two of my own over the years (see one of those abandoned ships here.)

While it is definitely not my lack of interest in any particular subject which inhibits me from blogging, but as my Communication Studies Professor from this semester dutifully noted in his lecture notes, and I roughly paraphrase, the attention span of most new bloggers is equivalent to that of a rat in search of cheese. Okay, that weren't his exact words but I am sure you can catch the drift. It takes much more effort than most people realize to update a blog, and even greater effort  into making sure it becomes prominent, and yet even more difficult to make sure it stays that way.

Now in this instance I created this blog out of mere enjoyment (i.e. in order to receive a wonderful grade in my ComSt422 course) and hope that it lasts longer than my other voyages into the blogosphere. I do not know exactly the duration of this particular journey, but I shall put forth my best effort into seeing that this at least sees the light of day longer than deer aligned in Sarah Palin's cross sight. Enough of my slight attempts at political jeering, I'll have more direct versions of those in the days, and possibly years, to come. With that I welcome you to my spot on the World Wide Farce, enjoy your stay. (At least until you see that nifty add for 50% off cupcakes from Groupon pop-up on your screen, in which I'll see you next millenia. :) )

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