Monday, May 2, 2011

Obama got Osama--Really?

So millions of Americans and citizens of the world recieved the very random, sudden and shocking news last night: Osama Bin Laden and a number of his key associates and family members were killed in a targeted US-Led attack. Personally it was such a throw from left field I didn't believe the news. Coming fresh from study and paper writing mode  it was definitely a complete 180-degree change in where my perspective was and I'm sure others can concur. I have mixed feelings about the whole she-bang though.

On one hand I can understand the relief that many may feel about the news of his demise. However I have slight reservation to celebrate the death of any human being, even one associated with such horrendous acts like 9/11. I also do not believe this will be an entire gamechanger to the military operations still going on in Afghanistan, Iraq and now Libya; only a possible addition of fuel for a large bonfire to come. In the end I have a more vast outlook on how all of these displays of celebration are recieved globally and how we would react if the shoe were on the other foot so to speak. We have so far to go in this country not only in our foreign policy which imparts a monolithic, imperialist viewpoint that is very archaic and insensitive along social and ethical lines; along with the heap of domestic problems, i.e. our refusal to effectively and openly deal with our racial wounds (Birth Certificate fiasco anyone?), doesn't leave me shouting for joy. Hooray?...I think not.

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